You'll find the Olmstead Law Offices just off Ludington Avenue at
111 S Rath Ave, Ludington, MI 49431-2037.
(231) 845-1211
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Marilyn Hullinger is a legal assistant to Clay as well as general office manager. She has been with the firm since 1991 and specializes in family law, estate planning, real estate and civil litigation.
Cindy McDonald is a Legal Assistant to Clay F. Olmstead. She has been with the firm since 2004 and specializes in the area sof personal injuriesand probates. She also assists with matters of criminal law, family law, and general civil litigation. Additionally, Cindy provides support to Mr. Olmstead by way of legal research and study.
Lora Nickelson is our head bookkeeper. She has been with the firm since 1996 and specializes in bankruptcy matters.